1) Design HTML form, accept student Name, Age, and Mobile No. from user. Using java Script validate for following a) Student Name should not be empty. b) Student Age must be between 1 to 20.
2) . Design a HTML form to accept a string. Write a PHP script for the following. a) Write a function to count the total number of Vowels from the script. b) Show the occurrences of each Vowel from the script.
3) Write a PHP script, which will return the following component of the URL ‘http://’ List of component: Scheme, Host, Path Excepted o/p Scheme: http Host: Path:/php-example/index.php
4) Write a java Script that Accept a string from user. Pass this string as parameter to a function name ‘check_vowel’ on button click event and return the count of the number vowels within the string.
5 ) Write a PHP script to display following information using super global variable. a) Client IP Address. b) Browser detection/information. C) To check whether the page is called from ‘https’ or ‘http’.
6) Write a java script function to Accept First Name and Last Name from user. Display users entered information. [ Hint: use alert and prompt dialogbox]
7) Write a menu driven program to perform various file operations. Accept filename from user. a) Display type of file. b) Delete a file.
8) Write a menu driven program the following operation on an associative array a) Reverse the order of each element’s key-value pair. b) Traverse the element in an array in random order.
9) Create a HTML form that accept user email. Write a PHP program to check whether user email address contain @ symbol or not. Display proper message.
10) Write a java script to accept email address from user and count no of @ occurrences and number of DOT(.) occurrences.
11) Write a PHP script to design a form to accept email from user and validate email addressusing regular expression.
12) Write a PHP script to keep track of number of times the web page has been access. [Use Session]
13) Write a PHP script to check how many times the web page access.[ Use cookies]
14) Define an array. Find the element from the array that matches the given values using appropriate search function.
15) Write a java script function to Accept First Name and Last Name from user. Display users entered information. [ Hint: use alert and prompt dialogbox]
16) Write a java script function to display Clock in the textbox.
17) Write a PHP script for the following. Design a form to accept a string and check whether the given string is Palindrome or not. [ Use built-in function.]
18) Write a menu driven program to perform the following operation on an associative array. a) Display the elements of an array along with key. b) Display the size of an array.
19) Write a PHP script to design a form to accept email from user and validate email addressusing regular expression.
20) Write a PHP Script to accept customer Name from user and do the following a) Transform Customer Name all Upper case latter. b) Make First character to Upper Case.
21) Write a PHP script to accept the number from user and write a function to calculate the factorial of a given number ( non-negative integer). The function accept the number as argument.
22) Write a PHP Program to read two file names from user and append content of first file into second file.
23) Write a PHP script to check how many times the web page access.[ Use cookies]
24) Write a java script function to display Clock in the textbox.
25) Declare a multidimensional array. Display specific element from a multidimensional array. Also delete given element from the multidimensional array. ( after each operation display array contents).
1) Write a script to create XML file ‘University.xml’. The element details of ‘University.xml’ Are as follows:
2) Write a PHP program to read a directory name and extension form user. Display the files with specified extension from that directory.
3) Write a PHP Script to read ‘BOOK.xml’ file and print specific content of a file using DOMDocument parser. ‘Book.xml’ file should contain following information with at least 5 records with values. BookInfo Book NO, Book Name, Author Name, Price, Year. [Note: Examiners can change the Book info file to Student info, Teacher info]
4) Write a PHP program to create a Class calculator which will accept two value from user and pass as an argument through parameterized constructor and do the following task. a) Add Them b) Subtract Them c) Multiply them together or divide them on request.
5) Write a script to create XML file as ‘Employee.xml’. The element of this xml file are as follows:
6) Write a PHP script for the following. a) Design a form to accept the details of 5 different items such as Item code, Item Name, unit, sold and Rate. b) Display the bill in tabular format. Use only 4 textboxes. [ Use explode]
7) . Write a PHP script to generate an XML in the following format in php.
10) Write a PHP script to create a Class shape and its subclass triangle, square and circule and display area of the selected shape.( use the concept of Inheritance) Display menu( use radio button) a) Triangle b) Square c) Circle
11) Slip no. 11. Consider the following entities and their relationship Emp( e_no, ename, address, phone, salary) Dept(d_no, dname, location) Emp-Dept related with many-one relationship. Create a RDB in 3NF for above and solve the following. Using above database write a script in PHP which will a) Insert Employee records and Department records into respective tables. B) Print a salary statement in the format given below, for a given Department. [Hint : create a HTML form to accept Department name form user] Maximum salary Minimum salary Sum salary
12) Write a menu driven program to perform the following stack related operations. i) Insert an element in stack. ii) Delete an element from stack.[Hint: Use array_push(), array_pop()]
13) Consider the following entities and their relationship. Doctor ( doc_no, dname, address, city, area) Hospital (hosp_no, hname, hcity) Doctor-Hospital related with many-one relationship. Create a RDB in 3NF for above and solve the following. Using above database write a script in PHP to print the Doctor visiting to the hospital in tabular format. Accept hospital name from user[ Use PostgreeSQL]
14) Write a AJAX program to read contact. Dat file and print the contain of a file in a Tabular form when the user clicks on print button. Contact.dat file contain srno, name, residence number, mobile number, context/ relation. [ Enter at least 3 record in contact.dat file] [Note: Examinar may change the contact. dat, dept.dat and provide proper structure of the file]
15) Write a PHP program to define Interface shape which has two method as area() and volume (). Define a constant PI Create a class Cylinder implement this interface and calculate area and Volume.
16) Write a PHP program to read Flat file’Student.dat’ that has student details as roll no, name, m1,m2,m3 as mark of three subjects. Display the data from the file in tabular format. Also display total and percentage of each student.
17) Write a AJAX program to print Teacher information from postgreSQL table Teacher. Teacher (Tno, Name, Subject, Research area). [Note: Examiner can change PostgreSQL table ]
18) Write a PHP script to accept Employee details ( Eno, Ename, address) on first page. On second page accept earning( Basic, Da, HRA). On third page print Employee information( ENO,Ename, Address, BASIC, DA, HRA, TOTAL) [Hint: Use Session]
19) Write a PHP script for the following: a) Design a form to accept two numbers from the users. b) Give option to choose an arithmetic operation ( use Radio Button). c) Display the result on next form. d) Use concept of default parameter.
20) Write a AJAX program to search Student name according to the character typed and display list using array
21) Write a PHP script to change the preference of your web page like font style, font, size, font color, background color using cookie. Display selected settings on next page and actual implementation ( with new settings) on third page.
22) Write a PHP script to design a form to accept two strings( one smaller than other) from the user. Find whether the smallest string appear at the start of the larger string. Provide textbox to accept the string that will replace all occurrences of smaller string present in larger string.
23) Slip no. 23. Write a PHP script to design a form to compose/write an email with following details. TO Subject Message
24) Write a PHP program to read Flat file’Student.dat’ that has student details as roll no, name, m1,m2,m3 as mark of three subjects. Display the data from the file in tabular format. Also display total and percentage of each student.
25) Write AJAX program to print movie by selecting an actor’s name. create table Movie and Actor with 1:M cardinality as follows: Movie ( mno, mname, release_year) Actor( ano, aname) [USE PostgreSQL]
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